LRIT & Vessel Monitoring Services

In cooperation with leading LRIT ASP, our company provides LRIT conformance testing and certification services for most flag-state countries according to their requirements. We provide full scope of service: from sales and installation of equipment, its activation to testing and certificate issue.

Additional add-value service is vessel monitoring system, allowing shipowners to track their vessel via Inmarsat-C, IsatPro, Iridium and satellite AIS.

According to IMO requirements, the following international-going vessels have to be equipped with an operational and certified LRIT system:

– All passenger vessels including high-speed crafts;

– Merchant vessels with gross tonnage of 300 and above;

– Maritime-fixed platforms.

We arrange testing and certification of LRIT systems for most flag-states. For launching LRIT test please send us LRIT test registration form.

Additionally to LRIT testing and certification, our company provides vessel monitoring service (performed via Inmarsat, Iridium and satellite AIS systems) to respective shipowners.

Vessels’ current and historical location data is displayed on actual maritime maps online, available via PC, Mac, smartphones. The system has a wide variety of access settings (vessels can be grouped and access to certain groups can be opened to respective users, e.g. banks or investors). Special zones and notifications can be created (once vessel enters/leaves a defined zone, person in charge gets an email notification).

For more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us.